Tips for Choosing Reliable and Affordable Dentures
The loss of natural teeth can cause people to lose their self-confidence. Dentures help to bring that confidence back to their smiles. Count on our...
How Should Dentures Fit In Your Mouth?
If you recently had dentures placed or are contemplating getting dentures in the near future, you may be wondering: How should dentures fit in your mouth? When should you get dentures adjusted? These are perfectly normal questions as people encounter dentures for the first time in their lives.
Should You Try to Fix Broken Dentures at Home?
Dentures are a highly effective and structurally sound option for tooth replacement. Countless patients have benefited from dentures by being able...
I Keep Losing My Natural Teeth. Are Dentures Right For Me?
As we age, we lose teeth. For most of us, this is the reality we face. Though some choose to do nothing about it, after you’ve lost 3-4 teeth, this...
How to Manage Missing Teeth with Implant-Supported Dentures
Even a single missing tooth can drastically change the way we complete a simple action like eating. The reality for many Canadians this year is that...
How to Manage Common Denture Issues While At Home in a Pandemic
The last twelve months have been some of the most challenging for everyone around us including denture clinics like Apple Dentures Clinic. It’s also...
Why You Should Get Implant Dentures
We live our lives, socialize and eat. With that, occasionally, we experience accidents that cause missing or damaged teeth. Age isn’t always kind...
How Long Do Dentures Last
Different denture types have different lifespans, with some lasting almost a lifetime while others are limited. This article highlights some of the...
Why Implant Dentures Are the Top Rated Dentures in Canada
Patients looking for the best quality dentures are usually recommended dental implants in Canada. No wonder that implant-supported dentures are...